Horse Sense....



Cappy and Mumma bear are quite unsettled.

There seems to be no discernable reason for this, just running round like mad bastards or standing still in the stables.

The rest of the horses are fine and pretty, Meh!


If you can imagine that we are busy with Spirit, but not busy, but super busy, that's us.


So Karaka today and tomorrow, so again, a super short blog.

However, we've been having conversations about Mumma bear and with Mumma bear, and things are progressing nicely.

We all seem to be on the same page, and Mumma bears is happy with the plan so far.

Also, there was a super cutie who my friend has her eye on.

Damn, that filly is a Super model.  I could literally see her on the runway strutting her stuff.

She's that good looking.

Do not let Mumma bear hear I said that.


What I will say is that you think Spirit are blind, you shouldn't.

I am literally watching Spirit lose their shite at the moment, and I'm caught in the crossfire.

Which trust me, is not a place anyone wants to be.

This is going to be interesting though.  The under 40 year olds who have passed, don't have the temperance that the older Spirit peeps do.

They're less forgiving and when they lose their shite, they really lose their shite.


So that's been our week:

Take what you need, leave the rest, don't be a Fuckwit.

Kissy hugs

Caps, me (T - she/her), Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Boo-ba-licious, Pat, Pepper, Marmite the Second, Geraldine, Milli, Bessie, Raz, Riz, Sugar, Butter, Cookie, Cinammon and Mork. 

I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land where I work and live, and pay my respects to Elders, past and present.

** Having pronouns in an email signature signals you as an LGBTQIA and/or ally (a person who is not LGBT, but who actively supports the LGBT community)

LGBTQIA – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex (a person born with a combination of male and female biological traits) and Asexual (little or no sexual attraction to others)
